Project Description
To the Praise of His Glory (pt. 1)
Speaker: Rev. Timothy D. Berry
All of us have a father. For many, that relationship is complicated, while for others it’s just fine – good even. Yet, as far as I know, none of us has a perfect father. So when God is described as a father in the Bible, that raises questions for nearly everyone. What kind of father is he? Is he like my earthly father? You’re invited to join us this Sunday as we explore the vastness of his love and marvel at the riches of grace.
To the Praise of His Glory (pt. 2)
Speaker: Rev. Timothy D. Berry
If you’re seen one of our City Church invite cards, you may have noticed the words on the front, in big bold letters, which read, “Life is complex. Jesus is the answer.” Life on this planet is indeed mind-bogglingly complex. You’ve probably experienced that in your relatively short time here. Possibly even this week. Yet the God of the Bible, in equally mind-boggling grace and wisdom, has set in motion a plan which more than accounts for all of it. That’s right…all of it. And it hinges entirely on one person: Jesus.
To the Praise of His Glory (pt. 3)
Speaker: Rev. Andrew L. Berry
There are no guarantees in life. Nothing is certain. Except death and taxes, of course. Or so the saying goes. Perhaps the uncertainty of the past year has left you shaken and anxiety-ridden, and all the while the certainty of death has loomed large as news sources publish the daily stats. But what if our mortality isn’t the lethal certainty, it’s been made out to be? Or to put it differently, what if it isn’t something to be feared because death itself is not the end? Come discover how the Spirit of God gives us a divine guarantee that death is nothing to worry about.
It Is What It Is…Or Is It?
Speaker: Rev. Timothy D. Berry
C’est la vie. Que será, será. Zo is het leven. That’s life. Nearly every human language has some way of expressing feelings of powerlessness or futility. We’ve all been in situations where we feel helpless. Stress and anxiety are on the rise, as an entire generation of young people feel paralysed by life’s demands. What the world needs is local churches full of disciples who know the dynamic, transforming power of God. If you sense your life is lacking in power, we invite you to join us this Sunday morning as we explore how to lay hold of the immeasurable power of God towards those who believe.
Before & After
Speaker: Rev. Timothy D. Berry
I’ve got two pictures of the back of my house. One featuring a muddy, cracked cement patio that’s falling to pieces, looking utterly miserable. And the second looks almost like a different house. Instead there’s a spacious deck where the patio used to be. Without the first picture, the second loses its meaning. This Sunday, you’re invited to join us as we look at two pictures, the before and after of salvation found in Christ Jesus.
The Man of Peace
Speaker: Rev. Timothy D. Berry
Have you noticed how much hostility is in the world? Humanity has a long history of failed peace treaties. And even “successful” ones only manage to stop violence, at worst, and, at best, manufacture some sort of future cooperation. But how many have established true peace, founded on a deep relationship of trust and goodwill? It is even possible or are we humans doomed to remain alienated from one another? As ever, we believe both that human conflict is incredibly complex and that the answer is found in Jesus – the Man of Peace.
The Mystery of Christ
Speaker: Rev. Timothy D. Berry
It’s a running joke in my family that I can’t keep a secret. Every so often I come up with a great idea for a birthday present for my wife. But I’m so pleased about it that I keep dropping subtle (and not so subtle) hints. Usually, I wind up spilling the beans ahead of time and ruining the surprise. This Sunday, join us as we unwrap the mystery of Christ which is a surprise to be shared rather than a secret to conceal.
Walk Worthy
Speaker: Rev. Timothy D. Berry
Have you ever watched a group of people walking together? They might all be walking in the same direction, but each individual gait is unique. In fact, we are often able to recognise someone simply by the distinct way they walk. Similarly, each person has one body with many different parts which are all necessary to its healthy functioning. This Sunday, you’re invited join us, as we explore the first of these two pictures of what it means to ‘grow up into Christ’.
The New Way
Speaker: Rev. Timothy D. Berry
Paul’s teaching on the way Christians ought to live – putting off the old and putting on the new way of living.
The Way We Walk
Speaker: Rev. Timothy D. Berry
Pastor Tim Berry opens up the first half of Ephesians 5 – exploring the way disciples ought to be ‘walking’, following the example of our Father and our ‘big brother’ Jesus.
Speaker: Rev. Timothy D. Berry
Considering those areas and actions disciples of Jesus need to leave behind / put off those ways that are not honouring and pursue / put on new ways of living.
Walk Circumspectly
Speaker: Rev. Timothy D. Berry
Walking circumspectly and under the control and influence of the Holy Spirit.
Submission Impacts Marriage
Speaker: Rev. Timothy D. Berry
Submission to one another as it impacts husband and wife.
Submission Impacts Relationships
Speaker: Paul LIndsay
Living as God intends – words to children and fathers (parents), workers and masters about submission.
In Conclusion
Speaker: Rev. Timothy D. Berry
Our Enemy. Our Equipment. Our Engagement.