Project Description
The Key to Building Well (Nehemiah pt. 1)
Speaker: Rev. Timothy D. Berry
Can you imagine trying to play football without being able to communicate? No shouting directions, no encouragement, no gestures, no waving. Nothing. When communication on a football team breaks down, so does every other aspect of the game. Players are out of position, ball movement disappears, and, ultimately, the game is given away. In the great game of life, communication with God is also key to joining in with what he’s doing. Join us this Sunday at 10am as we launch a new series looking to Nehemiah as a model of how to join in with what God is doing.
The Hand of God (Nehemiah pt. 2)
Speaker: Rev. Timothy D. Berry
In the 1986 World Cup final against England, Argentinian footballer Diego Maradona scored an infamous goal by disguising a hand ball as a header. In a post-match interview, he cheekily remarked that the goal had been scored, “a little with his head, and a little with the hand of God”. As we continue in the book of Nehemiah, we see not a little, but a lot of God’s hand at work. In fact, his fingerprints are all over the place as Nehemiah prayerfully lays the groundwork for the task to which he has been called. Join us this Sunday morning as we rejoice in the beauty of the good hand of God at work in and through Nehemiah.
Feet On the Ground (Nehemiah pt. 3)
Speaker: Rev. Timothy D. Berry
Everything comes with a price tag. It might be money or effort or time. There might be a mental, emotional, or relational expense, but there is always a cost. What are your choices costing you? Is it worth it? This Sunday, we follow Nehemiah as he takes stock of the people, the city, and the opposition in order to determine what it takes to rebuild. Counting the cost, this Sunday at City Church Wolverhampton.
Trouble From Without (Nehemiah pt. 4)
Speaker: Rev. Timothy D. Berry
Conflict is a part of life. How do you handle it? Do you fight or do you flee? Do you compromise or do you cancel? Do you value disagreement, or do you avoid it? This Sunday, Nehemiah and the people of God encounter intense external opposition and in the process model four key things we need to keep doing in the midst of the battle. Join us this weekend on Facebook Live as we discover what it takes to face trouble from without.
Building Together (Nehemiah pt. 5)
Speaker: Rev. Andrew L. Berry
Building sand castles and waterworks on the beach is a lot of fun when you are small, and when older it brings back happy memories! The race against the ocean is always on. Nehemiah was involved in building something more solid – the walls of Jerusalem, but even they would eventually be torn down. We can however learn some principles, as we are Gods co-labourers, in how he builds his church – we as ‘living stones’ each with a key spiritual part in His eternal temple. Will you be a part of what he is doing. This Sunday we will look at 5 concepts that S.H.A.P.E. us into being His church.
Trouble From Without (Nehemiah pt. 6)
Speaker: Rev. Timothy D. Berry
As we meet in person for the first time and continue in our series in the book of Nehemiah, the people of God must deal with conflict from within. Nehemiah shows the way forward by taking careful, decisive action to reconcile the people and taking great pains to model what servant leadership looks like. Dealing with trouble from within, this Sunday at City Church Wolverhampton.
Tunnel Vision (Nehemiah pt. 7)
Speaker: Rev. Timothy D. Berry
Are there any activities that so consume your attention that you forget about everything else, even meals? On the other hand, do you find that you’re constantly distracted, constantly checking your phone, unable to focus? As Jesus’ disciples, we want to learn to keep our attention focused on the right kinds of things. So how do we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, while avoiding the subtle distractions of the enemy? This Sunday, Nehemiah demonstrates the importance of godly tenacity and focus as God’s enemies seek to divide God’s people by forcing him into compromise.
The Joy of Renewal (Nehemiah pt. 8)
Speaker: Rev. Timothy D. Berry
Our culture longs for renewal. Have you noticed it? Have you heard the pleas for political, societal, and institutional change? Have you witnessed the calls for revolution in the way we think about almost everything? Everything that is, except radical, personal transformation. And yet, that’s where renewal begins. As we continue this Sunday in Nehemiah, with the wall completed, Nehemiah shifts his attention to the renewal of the people. Because the reality is: the rebuilding of the walls and the temple is utterly pointless until they are filled with a people transformed by the presence of the living God.
Sorry, Not Sorry (Nehemiah pt. 9)
Speaker: Rev. Timothy D. Berry
Calling out instances of politicians and celebrities issuing what has become known as the “non-apology” is something of an internet pastime. While it’s easy to point the finger, the sad reality is that we have all attempted to blame-shift, justify, or excuse when caught with our hand in the cookie jar. But what if a repentant, contrite heart is actually the doorway to the good life? What if confession fundamentally changes something in us so that we can know true hope and joy? Learning to say sorry and mean it, this Sunday at City Church.
What Do You Turn To? (Nehemiah pt. 10)
Speaker: Rev. Timothy D. Berry
When you go through a time of personal crisis, what do you turn to? Ever watched a friend or loved one spiral downwards as they turn to the wrong things to cope? In crisis, we all turn to something, but not everything helps. Join us this week as look to the one person we can turn to in crisis who won’t ever let us down.
The Heart of Worship (Nehemiah pt. 11)
Speaker: Rev. Timothy D. Berry
Have you ever sung your heart out at a concert or football match? Did you notice something magical – spiritual even – about joining your voice with thousands of others? Singing together moves us in mysterious ways that few have captured with words. But the things that make us sing the loudest reveal much about who we are and what we value. Join us as we explore why we need to sing, what we need to sing about, and why we need to do it together.
The Beautiful Letdown (Nehemiah pt. 12)
Speaker: Rev. Timothy D. Berry
How do you handle disappointment in life? Do you ever struggle to see how things will get better? Join us to explore how Nehemiah handles disappointment following significant success and what we need to know about persevering in faith.
The Anchor of Our Souls (Nehemiah pt. 13)
Speaker: Rev. Timothy D. Berry
Have you ever struggled to make sense of life? Or, inversely, do you feel in control of your life, but still have a nagging feeling that something’s missing? Join us as we close out our preaching series in Nehemiah by looking at three big truths that anchor and give purpose to our lives.