This is one of my favourite Good Friday songs: Suffering Servant written by Dustin Kensrue. It mirrors Isaiah 53 almost word for word. The apostle Peter also takes up Isaiah’s words in his first epistle:
He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth. When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly. He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness (1 Peter 2:22-24).
Indeed, this Good Friday, we remember that Christ died alone on a tree and by his wounds we are healed from the sickness of sin, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. I pray that these words encourage you in your Good Friday reflections.
LYRICS | Suffering Servant – Dustin Kensrue
His appearance was so badly marred
He could not have been recognized
So disfigured, so beyond all human likeness
That we hid our eyes
Though he carried all our griefs and bore our sorrows
We esteemed him not
But despised him and considered him afflicted
And as one reviled by God
Though all of us have gone astray
Though all have turned to their own ways
The Lord has laid our wickedness on him
His punishment has brought us peace
And crushed for our iniquities
He died to save his people from their sin
He was stricken, and though pierced for our transgressions
He did not lash out
But was silent, like a lamb led to the slaughter
So he opened not his mouth
The might of Yahweh stands revealed
And by his wounds we are all healed
He offered up his soul to death
He poured it out till none was left
He died but now shall rise and surely see
The many he has righteous made
And satisfied, his work surveyed
The man of sorrows evermore shall be
On high, exalted, lifted up
The righteous servant raised above
His might hand shall work the will of God
The nations all shall hear and see
Astonished at his victory
The kings of men will shut their mouths in awe